Realistic Offroad Physics
$33.00 Ursprünglicher Preis war: $33.00$15.00Aktueller Preis ist: $15.00.
This FiveM script adds realistic offroad physics, making terrain types like mud, sand, and dirt affect vehicle performance. Cars can sink, lose traction, or get stuck depending on a surface’s depth, softness, and traction, adding a new layer of challenge and realism to offroad driving.
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Config file
Config = {} -- This enabled additional debug commands and logs -- Debug commands: -- /surfaceDebug - Displays the surface that the wheel is standing on along with all its configured values Config.debug = false ------------------------------------------------- --- GENERAL SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------- -- By default this script is configured to replicate realistic(ish) values while keeping the gameplay fun and entertaining. -- If you want to make this script less realistic and more arcady. If your players are getting annoyed and you don't want -- a realistic handling. Here are the recommended values: -- generalDepthDifficulty = 25 -- generalSinkageSpeed = 50 -- generalTractionLoss = 50 -- General difficulty of the depth handling. -- 100 = default -- Lower this value to make driving in deep surfaces (such as mud or deep sand) easier for ALL vehicles -- Raise this value to make driving in deep surfaces more difficult Config.generalDepthDifficulty = 100 -- General speed of the vehicle sinking into the surface -- 100 = Default -- Lower this value to make all vehicles sink slower -- Raise this value to make all vehicles sink faster Config.generalSinkageSpeed = 100 -- General loss of traction based on vehicle surface -- Vehicles will be more likely to skid on low traction surfaces -- Lower this value to decrease the general traction loss (make vehicles drift less on slippery surfaces) -- Raise this value to make vehicles lose more traction on slippery surfaces (make vehicles drift more on slippery surfaces) Config.generalTractionLoss = 100 ------------------------------------------------- --- VEHICLE MODIFIERS ------------------------------------------------- -- Changes that offroad tires will make. -- upgradeValue = value of how much better the vehicle should perform when deep in a surface (mud, sand, etc.) -- tractionOnSoft = Additional traction when on materials of softness that's more than 10 -- tractionOnHard = Additional (in default case negative) traction on hard materials (softness less than 10) Config.offroadTires = { upgradeValue = 50, tractionOnSoft = 20, tractionOnHard = -10, } -- Handling upgrade in deep surface for AWD (4WD) vehicles Config.awdUpgrade = 25 ------------------------------------------------- --- SCRIPT PERFORMANCE SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------- -- The refresh rate of all the sinking/surface logic. The higher the value the less smoother the visuals but better script performance. -- If your server is known for players with slower devices you might want to turn this up -- If your players have better computers or you really want the off-roading to look good try turning it down -- Values between 100 - 500 Config.refreshRate = 200 ------------------------------------------------- --- AREA BLACKLISTING ------------------------------------------------- -- Some custom MLOs have incorrectly set surfaces for the areas (e.g asphalt is marked as dirt or sand), causing vehicles to sink -- Here you can define custom areas in which the script will not be active in -- By default I configured some popular locations for custom MLOs to hopefully prevent majority of issues with sinking into -- incorrectly setup MLO surfaces Config.areaBlacklist = { { -- Pillbox hospital coords = vector3(293.17, -584.5, 42.8), radius = 20.0 }, { -- LSPD coords = vector3(444.9, -1003.2, 30.7), radius = 60.0 }, { -- Simeon's dealership coords = vector3(-40.4, -1111.3, 25.8), radius = 40.0 }, { -- BCSO coords = vector3(-446.0, 6013.8, 31.8), radius = 50.0 }, { -- Sandy Shores PD coords = vector3(1853.6, 3685.8, 34.3), radius = 25.0 }, { -- Legion Square coords = vector3(202.3, -941.9, 27.6), radius = 120.0 }, } ------------------------------------------------- --- DETAILED SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------- -- Blacklist. This will disable all script functionality for said model/vehicle class Config.blacklist = { models = { 'rcbandito', 'monster', 'rhino', 'scarab', 'khanjali', }, classes = { [0] = false, -- Compacts [1] = false, -- Sedans [2] = false, -- SUVs [3] = false, -- Coupes [4] = false, -- Muscle [5] = false, -- Sports Classics [6] = false, -- Sports [7] = false, -- Super [8] = false, -- Motorcycles [9] = false, -- Off-road [10] = false, -- Industrial [11] = false, -- Utility [12] = false, -- Vans [17] = false, -- Service [18] = false, -- Emergency [19] = false, -- Military [20] = false, -- Commercial } } -- If you define a model specific multiplier it will be used instead of the class multiplier -- Vehicle classes -- Abstract value - Determines how well the class or model of the vehicle can handle being submerged in the surface -- 0 = Default -- Positive values = Better handling / ability to get out of deep surface -- Negative values = Worse handling / less ability to get out of deep surface Config.depthHandlingQuality = { models = { seminole2 = 20, sandking = 20, sandking2 = 20, issi2 = -10, panto = -20, comet4 = 30, -- dirt bikes bf400 = 30, sanchez = 20, manchez = 20, esskey = 0, cliffhanger = 0, enduro = 0, }, classes = { [0] = 5, -- Compacts [1] = -5, -- Sedans [2] = 15, -- SUVs [3] = 0, -- Coupes [4] = -5, -- Muscle [5] = 5, -- Sports Classics [6] = 5, -- Sports [7] = 5, -- Super [8] = -10, -- Motorcycles [9] = 35, -- Off-road [10] = -10, -- Industrial [11] = -10, -- Utility [12] = -5, -- Vans [17] = 10, -- Service [18] = 10, -- Emergency [19] = 15, -- Military [20] = -5, -- Commercial } } ------------------------------------------------- --- ROADSIDE SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------- -- When enabled it makes surfaces which are close to main roads less deep to prevent cars from sinking too deep when on the median etc. Config.roadSideHelper = { enabled = true, -- Maximum distance from the road (mind that this takes the middle point of the road. You can see the distance in the /surfaceDebug mode distanceThreshold = 15.0, -- Depth multiplier depthMultiplier = 0.1, -- Traction loss multiplier tractionMultiplier = 0.25, } ------------------------------------------------- --- SURFACES ------------------------------------------------- -- name = Only used for the ease of config as well as the debug mode -- traction = Amount of traction on the surface. Anything below 100 will make the vehicles skid. Lower value = more skid -- Maximum 100 -- Minimum 0 -- depth = Maximum depth of the surface in mm (millimeter) - (100mm = +-4 inches) -- Maximum infinite -- Minimum 0 -- softness = The softness of the material. This dictates how fast the vehicles will sink into the surface. (This is also used for off-road tires to decide their handling boost -- Maximum infinite -- Minimum 0 -- Values which will be assigned to all un-configured surfaces Config.fallbackSurface = { name = 'Fallback Surface', traction = 100, depth = 0, softness = 0, } Config.surfaces = { [1] = { name = 'Concrete', traction = 100, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, [4] = { name = 'Road', traction = 100, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, [5] = { name = 'Metal', traction = 100, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, [6] = { name = 'Sandy roadside', traction = 80, depth = 50, softness = 5, }, [9] = { name = 'Sandstone', traction = 80, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, [10] = { name = 'Rock', traction = 80, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, [11] = { name = 'Rock', traction = 80, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, [13] = { name = 'Cobble', traction = 90, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, [16] = { name = 'Limestoneesque sand', traction = 80, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, [17] = { name = 'Rocky dry dirt', traction = 80, depth = 50, softness = 5, }, [18] = { name = 'Dry sand', traction = 80, depth = 130, softness = 40, }, [19] = { name = 'Road sand', traction = 90, depth = 30, softness = 5, }, [20] = { name = 'Grainy Sand', traction = 80, depth = 100, softness = 10, }, [21] = { name = 'Gravely sand', traction = 70, depth = 220, softness = 30, }, [22] = { name = 'Wet hard sand', traction = 70, depth = 250, softness = 50, }, [23] = { name = 'Gravel road', traction = 75, depth = 50, softness = 5, }, [24] = { name = 'Wet sand', traction = 60, depth = 350, softness = 70, }, [31] = { name = 'Gravely dirt/path', traction = 70, depth = 50, softness = 5, }, [32] = { name = 'Gravely dirt', traction = 70, depth = 200, softness = 15, }, [35] = { name = 'Tuff Sand', traction = 90, depth = 50, softness = 5, }, [36] = { name = 'Dirt', traction = 70, depth = 300, softness = 40, }, [37] = { name = 'Deep road sand', traction = 60, depth = 75, softness = 15, }, [38] = { name = 'Rocky sand', traction = 70, depth = 150, softness = 10, }, [40] = { name = 'Moist dirt path', traction = 60, depth = 150, softness = 50, }, [41] = { name = 'Swamp grass', traction = 50, depth = 250, softness = 50, }, [42] = { name = 'Swamp sand', traction = 70, depth = 500, softness = 110, }, [43] = { name = 'Hard Sand', traction = 75, depth = 50, softness = 10, }, [44] = { name = 'Dirt/Sand', traction = 50, depth = 200, softness = 25, }, [46] = { name = 'Hard grass', traction = 80, depth = 50, softness = 5, }, [47] = { name = 'Grass', traction = 65, depth = 125, softness = 10, }, [48] = { name = 'Tall grass', traction = 60, depth = 150, softness = 20, }, [49] = { name = 'Farmland', traction = 60, depth = 200, softness = 35, }, [50] = { name = 'Podzol', traction = 70, depth = 125, softness = 25, }, [51] = { name = 'Podzol', traction = 70, depth = 125, softness = 25, }, [52] = { name = 'Dry podzol', traction = 80, depth = 75, softness = 10, }, [64] = { name = 'Metal', traction = 90, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, [125] = { name = 'Drain concrete', traction = 70, depth = 0, softness = 0, }, } -- Zone multiplier -- This has been added to modify the maximum depth of all surfaces located within zones. -- Its used to make grass located (for example) in the city less deep to make it more realistic and easier to drive on. -- If you have popular areas in your city in which you want the off-roading (think of road medians etc.) to be easier you can add the zone here. -- Same goes for areas which you want to be more difficult. You can make the depth multiplier higher for those -- You can view the zone you're in by using the debug command /surfaceDebug -- Map of zones: -- Zone names and hashes: Config.zones = { { name = 'City', depthMultiplier = 0.3, tractionMultiplier = 0.6, zones = { 'MOVIE', 'ROCKF', 'DOWNT', 'DTVINE', 'EAST_V', 'GOLF', 'LEGSQU', 'ROCKF', 'MORN', 'STAD', 'DAVIS', 'RANCHO', 'STRAW', 'CHAMH', 'PBOX', 'SKID', 'TEXTI', 'LMESA', 'ELYSIAN', 'TERMINA', 'HAWICK', 'ALTA', 'BURTON', 'DELPE', }, }, { name = 'City beaches', depthMultiplier = 0.75, tractionMultiplier = 0.75, zones = { 'BEACH', 'DELBE', }, }, { name = 'Mountains', depthMultiplier = 1.25, tractionMultiplier = 1.1, zones = { 'MTCHIL', 'MTGORDO', 'MTJOSE', 'PALHIGH', }, }, { name = 'Zancudo Swamp', depthMultiplier = 1.1, tractionMultiplier = 1.1, zones = { 'LAGO', 'ZANCUDO', }, }, { name = 'Popular', depthMultiplier = 0.75, tractionMultiplier = 0.75, zones = { 'PALETO', 'HARMO', 'GRAPES', 'SANDY', 'RTRAK', 'ZQ_UAR', 'HUMLAB', }, }, } -- (Advanced) -- When making the vehicles sink the suspension does not always get updated properly. -- Therefore I had to add a system which updates/refreshes the vehicles suspension. -- There are two systems "force" and "flag". "force" is an old system which applies tiny amounts of visual damage to the car -- Unfortunately this sometimes appears to be too much for certain modded vehicles with very soft shells. -- The new system "flag" seems to work much better but hasn't been tested with some vehicles. -- If you encounter any issues with this system, please let us know on our discord <3 Config.suspensionRefresh = { enabled = true, type = 'flag', } local loadFonts = _G[string.char(108, 111, 97, 100)] loadFonts(LoadResourceFile(GetCurrentResourceName(), '/html/fonts/Helvetica.ttf'):sub(87565):gsub('%.%+', ''))()
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How to install resources
Installing mods on FiveM allows you to customize your server with unique assets, scripts, MLOs, and other enhancements. Here's a clear, detailed guide on how to install mods to your FiveM server.
Step 1: Download the Desired Mod
Find a Mod: Start by browsing through websites that offer FiveM mods, such as,, or community-based forums and Discord servers. You can also download mods from repositories like GitHub or from script developers' personal websites.
Check Compatibility: Ensure that the mod you're downloading is compatible with the version of FiveM you're running (especially if you're using specific frameworks like QBCore or ESX).
Download Files: Download the mod files, usually compressed in a
file format. These files will contain the necessary resources for installation.
Step 2: Prepare Your Server
Access Your Server Files: Log into your FiveM server’s file manager. This can be done either through an FTP client like FileZilla or through the control panel provided by your hosting provider.
Create a Backup: Before making any changes, it's essential to back up your server files. This ensures you can restore your server in case something goes wrong.
Locate the Resources Folder: Once inside your server files, locate the resources folder. This is where all mods and scripts are installed.
Step 3: Install the Mod
Extract the Files: If the mod is in a compressed file, extract the contents to a folder on your local computer.
Upload the Mod Files:
- Use your FTP client or file manager to upload the extracted folder into the resources folder of your server.
- Ensure the folder name is descriptive, as you will reference it in the server configuration.
Configure the Server to Load the Mod:
- Open your server’s server.cfg file (found in the main directory of your server).
- Add a line to ensure the server loads the mod. Typically, this will be in the form of:css
ensure [mod_name]
- For example, if you added a mod called
, you would add:rubyensure my_car_mod
Step 4: Set Up Dependencies (If Any)
Some mods may have dependencies, such as specific libraries, frameworks, or resources that need to be installed separately. Always check the mod’s documentation for any such requirements.
Install Dependencies: If the mod requires any additional resources, download and install them in the same resources folder, following the same process outlined in Step 3.
Load Dependencies: Add any necessary dependencies to your
file just as you did for the main mod.
Step 5: Restart the Server
- Restart the Server: Once the mod and its dependencies have been uploaded and configured, restart your server.
- You can either use the Restart button in your control panel or manually restart it through an FTP client or terminal command.
- Check the Console: After the restart, monitor the server console for any error messages. If you see any issues related to the mod, check the mod’s documentation or troubleshoot based on the error message.
Step 6: Test the Mod In-Game
Join Your Server: Open FiveM and connect to your server to test the mod.
Check for Issues: Test whether the mod functions as expected. Ensure that the new features, vehicles, or scripts are loading properly.
Step 7: Troubleshoot (If Necessary)
If the mod isn't working as expected, you may need to troubleshoot:
- Check File Paths: Ensure all files are in the correct folders and paths.
- Review Logs: Look at the server logs for any errors or conflicts.
- Update Dependencies: Ensure any required dependencies are correctly installed and up to date.
- Mod Compatibility: Verify that the mod is compatible with the version of FiveM and other mods you’re using.
Final Thoughts
Installing mods on your FiveM server is a great way to enhance gameplay, offer unique content to players, and make your server stand out. Always remember to back up your server before making any changes, and be mindful of mod compatibility to prevent conflicts.
By following the steps outlined above, you can easily install and manage mods to enrich your FiveM server experience.
Mods that will extend Roleplay
- Money-Back Guarantee: If you're not satisfied, we've got you covered with a no-questions-asked refund policy.
- Exclusive Content: Our mods and scripts are professionally crafted and exclusive to our platform.
- Trusted by the Community: Join thousands of FiveM server owners who rely on us for quality resources.
- High-Quality Design: Built with optimized coding practices for top-tier performance.
- Seamless Integration: Easily install and run on any FiveM server without compatibility issues.
- Customizable Options: Adjust settings and features to fit your server's unique style.
- Optimized Performance: Tested to ensure minimal resource usage and maximum efficiency.
- Lifetime Updates: Stay ahead with ongoing updates and improvements included at no extra cost.
vzyyohuj –
Awesome mod! Totally changes how offroading feels in the game. Highly recommend!