So beheben Sie das CrewPhone-Hash-Problem (###)
Did you download the Crewphone/gcPhone and have a problem with generating the number?
If you have a problem with the number-generation or number-showing and they are like ###-#### ?
The solution is easy!
Add this function to the es_extended client.lua:
TriggerServerEvent(‘crew:onPlayerLoaded’, GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
Here’s as example:
AddEventHandler('esx:restoreLoadout', function( local playerPed = PlayerPedId() local ammoTypes = {} RemoveAllPedWeapons(playerPed, true) for k,v in ipairs(ESX.PlayerData.loadout) do local weaponName = GiveWeaponToPed(playerPed, weaponName, 0, false, false) SetPedWeaponTintIndex(playerPed, weaponName, v.tintIndex) local ammoType = GetPedAmmoTypeFromWeapon(playerPed, weaponName) for k2,v2 in ipairs(v.components) do local componentHash = ESX.GetWeaponComponent(weaponName, v2).hash GiveWeaponComponentToPed(playerPed, weaponName, componentHash) end if not ammoTypes[ammoType] then AddAmmoToPed(playerPed, weaponName, v.ammo) ammoTypes[ammoType] = true end end TriggerServerEvent('crew:onPlayerLoaded', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())) isLoadoutLoaded = true end)