Mods FiveM gratuits, Scripts FiveM gratuits

Script de visibilité de l'administrateur

Script de visibilité de l'administrateur png

This FiveM script, developed by NProbleM, is a must-have for server administrators looking to enhance visibility and authority within their game. It allows admins to easily display their status to other players, facilitating smoother gameplay and promoting order.


When an admin activates their status using the command “/loginadmintype,” they become semi-transparent to all players in the game. Their status as “Administrator” is prominently displayed above them, along with their name and ID. This feature ensures that players can quickly identify who is in charge, making interactions clearer and more efficient.


Instructions d'installation

Follow these simple steps to install this mod on your FiveM server:

  1. Télécharger le fichier: First, download the file from the provided link.
  2. Extraire les fichiers: After the download is complete, locate the zip file and extract its contents.
  3. Add to Your Resources:
    • Move the extracted folder to your server’s resources directory. This is usually located in the ressources dossier de votre serveur FiveM.
  4. Mettre à jour la configuration de votre serveur:
    • Ouvrez votre serveur.cfg fichier et ajoutez la ligne suivante : start yourmodfoldername, where yourmodfoldername is the name of the folder you just moved to your resources directory.
  5. Redémarrez votre serveur: Once you’ve added it to the resources, restart your FiveM server to ensure the mod is loaded properly.
  6. Tester le script: Join your server and type “/loginadmintype” in the chat to see the admin status in action.

Informations Complémentaires

  • Accessibilité du code: Yes, the code is available for those who wish to dive deeper or modify the script.
  • Soutien: Support is offered, so if you run into any issues, assistance is just a message away.
  • Exigences: This script is compatible with both ESX and QB frameworks, ensuring a broad range of server setups can benefit from it.

The transparency feature not only enhances player experience but also contributes to better server management. This script is ideal for those looking to maintain a smooth and well-regulated gaming environment.

For any additional creative features, check out other recommendations that complement your server setup and provide more engaging experiences for players.

To get started, télécharger le fichier maintenant and follow the installation steps to elevate your server’s admin presence!


À propos de Luke

Je m'appelle Luke, je suis un joueur et j'adore écrire sur FiveM, GTA et le jeu de rôle. Je dirige une communauté de jeu de rôle et j'ai environ 10 ans d'expérience dans l'administration de serveurs.

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