In a surprising turn of events, the team at CFX has announced their decision to shut down servers that utilize “baby scripts.” This decision has raised eyebrows within the FiveM community and has sparked a debate on the appropriate use of scripts within the popular multiplayer modification. However, there are some important information we wanted to share with you.

What are “Baby Scripts”?

These scripts introduce immersive and role-playing elements to the Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) game, allowing players to simulate pregnancy and childbirth within the virtual world. These scripts are typically created by members of the FiveM community and serve as an extension to the base game, adding unique experiences for players who wish to engage in realistic role-playing scenarios.

These scripts enable players to take on the roles of expectant parents and experience various aspects of pregnancy, such as tracking the progress of the pregnancy, attending prenatal appointments, and even simulating the childbirth process or abortion. They offer a level of depth and realism to role-playing servers within FiveM, making it possible for players to explore themes of family life and parenthood. We think those mods are highly questionable.

The Changes of FiveM’s Terms of Services

CFX’s decision to shut down servers with “baby scripts” highlights the importance of maintaining quality control within the modding community. As they changed their Terms of Services, it becomes crucial to encourage the development and utilization of well-optimized and stable scripts.

You can read the full ToS here

Moving Forward

CFX has made it clear that their aim is to create a seamless and enjoyable multiplayer experience for all FiveM players. While the decision might be seen as controversial by some, it ultimately reflects their commitment to maintaining high standards and ensuring optimal gameplay performance.

CFX’s commitment to creating a seamless and enjoyable multiplayer experience for all FiveM players remains their primary objective. While their decision to restrict servers with “baby scripts” may be seen as controversial by some, it reflects their dedication to maintaining high standards and ensuring optimal gameplay performance. As the modding community continues to evolve, it’s likely that CFX will continue to adapt their policies to best serve the interests of the FiveM community as a whole. Players and modders alike will need to stay updated on these evolving Terms of Services to understand the guidelines and expectations for creating and enjoying custom scripts within the FiveM platform.

The Importance of Quality Control

As FiveM’s modding community continues to evolve, ensuring the stability and integrity of the platform becomes increasingly important. CFX’s decision to amend their Terms of Services is a step towards achieving this goal. By restricting servers that employ scripts that may not meet their quality and performance standards, CFX aims to provide a more seamless and enjoyable multiplayer experience for all FiveM players.


The decision by CFX to shut down servers using “baby scripts” has sparked a significant debate within the FiveM community. As the modding community continues to evolve, it is essential to strike a balance between creative freedom and maintaining a high-quality multiplayer experience. CFX’s actions emphasize the need for quality control and a commitment to providing an optimal gameplay experience for all FiveM players.

Remember to always prioritize quality and optimization when developing and using scripts for your FiveM server, as it ultimately benefits both the players and the community as a whole.

6 thoughts on “CFX (the FiveM Team) is Banning Servers with Baby Scripts

  1. Zeus says:

    This is the dumbest Decision cfx has ever made we had baby scripts in servers long before and never made no terms of service about baby script. How does parenting go against rules it’s apart of rolepay people that like to express the whole roleplay experience. You take baby script out but we can still have intercourse like that’s all the way backwards. Y’all only made that decision because made ultimate decision to partner up with rockstar which they need to kick rocks because we was just fine rockstar mad gta5 console not get as much play as fivem which fivem don’t charge for us to use they services to play on there platform smh disappointing in the agreement or rule cfx have made

  2. monique says:

    yet there is still servers that have RP on smaller children ru ning sbooting guns but we cant even simulate gaving babys or kids how is this fare ??? :(

  3. Teufelchen says:

    Ich find s genauso schade das man jetzt auf einmal so entscheidet man konnte schon vor der zeit ein Kinder Charakter bespielen da es viele gibt denen es spass macht die bock drauf haben und auch wirklich dieses kindercharakter rp durzihene ich gehöre ebenfalls dazu da es mir echt spass macht weil andauernd nein erwachsenen char oder nein tierchar zu spielen ist lw als kinderchar kann man wenigstens sein spass haben mit denn leuten für manche ist das ein spanendes erlebniss weil man sich dann fragt wie war eigentlich meine kindheit so hat man ne Möglichkeit gehabt einfach seine kindheit in einer virtuellen welt zu bespielen.

    Ich finde es sehr schade das man sich dafür entschieden hat das mit den marken fahrzeugen oder marken kleidungen kann ich verstehen aber bitte nehmt denn serven die kinderchars nicht auch noch weg da diese sehr beliebt sind und echt mal auch für anderes rp sorgen wie gesagt es ist interessant und es macht spass als kinderchar rp zu machen

  4. Avatar photo Luke B. says:

    There is also a baby script available here. Check it out:

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