Loja de veículos (DebuX) (QB/ESX) O preço original era: $38.99.O preço atual é: $27.99.
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[ESX/QB] VMS_tattooshop - LOJAS DE TATUAGEM AVANÇADAS O preço original era: $26.99.O preço atual é: $19.99.

Sistema de laboratório para animais de estimação

O preço original era: $60.99.O preço atual é: $36.99.

  1. When you adopt your pet, you can decide how fast it will get hungry/thirsty or how you want it to be in terms of gender, age, etc.

  1. As your pet grows older, the commands it can execute can be unlocked (you can do this through configuration or create a command yourself and set the age)

  1. The aging of your pet is time-dependent (at your discretion)

  1. You can change the appearance and name of your pet on the card as you wish.

  1. You can tie a string to your pet and make it listen to you when it is not listening to you

  1. After a certain level (determined by you) you can make certain pets attack a person etc. (depending on the relationship between you)

  1. Pets will automatically spawn in the last position when the server is started, if they have 0 health they will spawn dead and if you turn on “PermantlyDie” in Config, your pet will unfortunately disappear as soon as it dies.

  1. In short, everything is in your hands, you can organize it as you wish, you can spend time with your close friend who will be as you wish :slight_smile:


Newest version here

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  • Download instantâneo
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  • Funciona imediatamente


PET = {
    -- "/petinfo" to turn off the part that comes up when you approach pets.
    debugMode = false, -- Certain prints are turned on, if you don't understand this you don't need to turn it on at all, it's here to help us understand where the error is when the script has problems.
    petInfoCommand = "petinfo", -- Command used to turn off the pet's on-screen infos
    showPetCommand = "showmyPets", -- Blip showing the location of the pet
    DefaultPetIMG = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/919180635388653618/1035353250242777138/pet-logo-design-paw-vector-animal-shop-business_53876-136741.webp",
    DefaultPetName = "Amazing Pets", -- if the name is "", the system will automatically fill it with the one here.
    -- Pet Shop area
    petBuyCoords = vector3(-1368.35, 56.31, 53.7), -- purchase marker part of the pet
    petShowCoords = vector4(-1366.09,56.68,54.1,119.19),-- Where to spawn when in the pet purchase menu
    -- SQL 
    Mysql = "oxmysql",
    petHealFillItem = "pethealth", -- the pad's full of health, hunger and thirst remain as they are.
    petHealFillAmount = 97, -- How much to fill when used --max 97

    petHungryFillItem = "petfood", -- item to fill pet's hunger
    petHungryFillAmount = 97,  -- How much to fill when used --max 97

    petThirstFillItem = "petthirst", -- item to fill pet's thirst
    petThirstFillAmount = 50, -- How much to fill when used --max 97
    PermanentlyDie = false, -- if "true", the pet will be directly deleted when it dies and will never come back.
    -- UPTADES
    UpdateAnimInterval = 0, -- If the pad is going into animation, like dying, etc., how many seconds will it be checked?
    UpdateInterval = 1, -- "1minutes" will update all pets' death, hunger, thirst, location and many other updates every 1 minute (it will be good to do this in a short time to live without problems).
    UpdateXPInterval = 10, -- "1minutes" Every 1 minute all pets will gain a set amount of xp.
    LevelingDifficulty = 20,--% Indicates the health starvation value that the pet will have directly when you buy it the difficulty to level up in [ % ]  
    lossOfLife_hungry = 3, -- Selects how many lives to take when Hunger drops to 0.
    lossOfLife_thirst = 1, -- Selects how many lives to take when Thirst drops to 0.
    earnXPAmount = 10, -- "UpdateXPInterval" time during which all pets will gain +1 xp for the specified amount of time
    NotificationInScript = true, -- If this is "true" you will use the script's own notify system.
    Notification = function(text, inform) -- You can put your own notify text here
    PetMiniMap = { showblip = true, sprite = 442, colour = 2, shortRange = false },
    -- ROPE SIDE
    ropeLength = 4, -- How long the towing rope should be (in meters) I highly recommend keeping it between 6 and 10 meters
    ropeItem = "petrope",
    -- Ball
    petBallItem = "petball",

    --Pet Attack
    chaseDistance = 50.0,
    chaseIndicator = true, -- huge marker on hunted target head
    petAttackKeyCode = 49, --https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
    petAttackKeyCodeDisplay = "PRESS ~g~F~w~ TO ATTACK TARGET", --Displaying Text
    -- PET Interact
    petInteractKeyCode = 38, -- [ E ] https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
    -- Random animations
    RandomAnim = {
        ["dog"] = {
            -- {
            --     animName = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@",
            --     animID = "hump_loop_chop" 
            -- },
                animName = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@world_dog_sitting@idle_a",
                animID = "idle_b" 
                animName = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@world_dog_barking@idle_a",
                animID = "idle_a" 
                animName = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@sleep_in_kennel@",
                animID = "sleep_in_kennel" 
        ["cat"] = {
                animName = "creatures@cat@amb@world_cat_sleeping_ground@base",
                animID = "base" 
                animName = "creatures@cat@amb@world_cat_sleeping_ledge@base",
                animID = "base" 
            -- {
            --     animName = "creatures@cat@step",
            --     animID = "step_lft" 
            -- }, 
        ["bird"] = {
                animName = "creatures@chickenhawk@amb@world_chickenhawk_feeding@base",
                animID = "base" 
                animName = "creatures@cormorant@amb@world_cormorant_standing@base",
                animID = "base" 
        ["coguar"] = {
            { -- rest
                animName = "creatures@cougar@amb@world_cougar_rest@idle_a",
                animID = "idle_a" 
            { -- getup
                animName = "creatures@cougar@getup",
                animID = "idle_a" 

        petTexureID  => {
            Rottweiler => Hiç Rengi yok
            Shepherd => {
                [0] : Basic,
                [1] : White and black,
                [2] : Brown,
            Husky => {
                [0] : Basic,
                [1] : Gold Brown,
                [2] : White, 
            Retriever => {
                [0] : Basic,
                [1] : Black,
                [2] : White Gold, 
                [3] : Brown, 
            Cat => {
                [0] : Basic,
                [1] :  White And Black,
                [2] : Brown- like a redhead :D, 

    AvailablePets = {
            price = 1,
            hungryRatio = 30, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet. 
            thirstRatio = 80, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            energyRatio = 70, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            healthRatio = 90, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            hungryDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Hunger level 40, "the number you specify" in the specified time interval - 40
            thirstDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Thirst level 20, At the set time interval "the number you specify" - 20
            petName = "Rottweiler",
            petLabel = "The Rottweiler is one of the oldest known dog breeds,[1] dating back to the Roman Empire. With their herding and guarding characteristics, they have been the helpers of people in many matters. It is even recognized as the breed that led the herds of the Roman armies crossing the alpine mountains and protected the people in the caravan.",
            petIMG = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697541709713899545/1050974691810082896/domestic-dog_thumb_4x3.webp",
            pedHash = "a_c_chop",
            petTexureID = 0, -- Pet TexureID > decides what color your pet will be so that it doesn't change color all the time or can have different colors.
            petGender = "F", -- Pet'in cinsiyeti "M ya da F" tarzında olacaktır M = male   F = female
            petLevel = 5, -- Pet'i satın aldığınız zaman otomatik olarak olacak olan leveli
            petBoughtAnim = true, -- With or without a purchase animation?
            listOf = "dog", -- which list to be on
            price = 1,
            hungryRatio = 30, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            thirstRatio = 80, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            energyRatio = 70, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            healthRatio = 90, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            hungryDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Hunger level 40, "the number you specify" in the specified time interval - 40
            thirstDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Thirst level 20, At the set time interval "the number you specify" - 20
            petName = "Popu",
            petLabel = "The Rottweiler is one of the oldest known dog breeds,[1] dating back to the Roman Empire. With their herding and guarding characteristics, they have been the helpers of people in many matters. It is even recognized as the breed that led the herds of the Roman armies crossing the alpine mountains and protected the people in the caravan..",
            petIMG = "",
            pedHash = "a_c_westy",
            petTexureID = 0, -- Pet TexureID > decides what color your pet will be so that it doesn't change color all the time or can have different colors.
            petGender = "F",
            petLevel = 5,
            petBoughtAnim = false, -- With or without a purchase animation?
            listOf = "dog", -- which list to be on
            price = 2,
            hungryRatio = 10, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            thirstRatio = 20, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            energyRatio = 50, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            healthRatio = 98, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.

            hungryDecrase = 5, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Hunger level 40, "the number you specify" in the specified time interval - 40
            thirstDecrase = 5, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Thirst level 20, At the set time interval "the number you specify" - 20
            petName = "Retriever",
            petLabel = "Golden Retriever, dog breed. It originated in Scotland around the 19th century and was used as an aid in hunting activities at that time.",
            petIMG = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697541709713899545/1050974692388900954/unnamed.png",
            pedHash = "a_c_retriever",
            petTexureID = 0, -- Pet TexureID > decides what color your pet will be so that it doesn't change color all the time or can have different colors.s
            petGender = "M",
            petBoughtAnim = true, -- With or without a purchase animation?
            petLevel = 10,
            listOf = "dog", -- which list to be on
            price = 1,
            hungryRatio = 30, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            thirstRatio = 80, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            energyRatio = 70, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            healthRatio = 90, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            hungryDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Hunger level 40, "the number you specify" in the specified time interval - 40
            thirstDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Thirst level 20, At the set time interval "the number you specify" - 20
            petName = "Pug",
            petLabel = "The Rottweiler is one of the oldest known dog breeds,[1] dating back to the Roman Empire. With their herding and guarding characteristics, they have been the helpers of people in many matters. It is even recognized as the breed that led the herds of the Roman armies crossing the alpine mountains and protected the people in the caravan..",
            petIMG = "",
            pedHash = "a_c_pug",
            petTexureID = 0, -- Pet TexureID > decides what color your pet will be so that it doesn't change color all the time or can have different colors.
            petGender = "F",
            petLevel = 5,
            petBoughtAnim = false, -- With or without a purchase animation?
            listOf = "dog", -- which list to be on
            price = 1,
            hungryRatio = 30, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            thirstRatio = 80, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            energyRatio = 70, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            healthRatio = 90, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            hungryDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Hunger level 40, "the number you specify" in the specified time interval - 40
            thirstDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Thirst level 20, At the set time interval "the number you specify" - 20
            petName = "Poodle",
            petLabel = "The Rottweiler is one of the oldest known dog breeds,[1] dating back to the Roman Empire. With their herding and guarding characteristics, they have been the helpers of people in many matters. It is even recognized as the breed that led the herds of the Roman armies crossing the alpine mountains and protected the people in the caravan..",
            petIMG = "",
            pedHash = "a_c_poodle",
            petTexureID = 0, -- Pet TexureID > decides what color your pet will be so that it doesn't change color all the time or can have different colors.
            petGender = "F",
            petLevel = 5,
            petBoughtAnim = false, -- With or without a purchase animation?
            listOf = "dog", -- which list to be on
            price = 1,
            hungryRatio = 30, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            thirstRatio = 80, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            energyRatio = 70, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            healthRatio = 90, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            hungryDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Hunger level 40, "the number you specify" in the specified time interval - 40
            thirstDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Thirst level 20, At the set time interval "the number you specify" - 20
            petName = "shepherd",
            petLabel = "The shepherd dog breed is one of the oldest known dog breeds,[1] dating back to the Roman Empire. With their herding and guarding characteristics, they have been the helpers of people in many matters. It is even recognized as the breed that led the flocks of the Roman armies crossing the Alpine mountains and protected the people in the caravan.",
            petIMG = "",
            pedHash = "a_c_shepherd",
            petTexureID = 2, -- Pet TexureID > decides what color your pet will be so that it doesn't change color all the time or can have different colors.
            petGender = "F",
            petLevel = 5,
            petBoughtAnim = true, -- With or without a purchase animation?
            listOf = "dog", -- which list to be on
            price = 2,
            hungryRatio = 10, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            thirstRatio = 20, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            energyRatio = 50, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            healthRatio = 98, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.

            hungryDecrase = 5, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Hunger level 40, "the number you specify" in the specified time interval - 40
            thirstDecrase = 5, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Thirst level 20, At the set time interval "the number you specify" - 20
            petName = "Rootti",
            petLabel = "Canis is a genus of mammals in the canine family, which includes dogs, coyotes and most wolves. Species in this genus are characterized by their medium to large size, large and well-developed skulls and dentition, long legs, and relatively short ears and wings..",
            petIMG = "",
            pedHash = "a_c_husky",
            petTexureID = 0, -- Pet TexureID > decides what color your pet will be so that it doesn't change color all the time or can have different colors.
            petGender = "M",
            petLevel = 10,
            petBoughtAnim = true, -- With or without a purchase animation?
            listOf = "dog", -- which list to be on
            price = 1,
            -- ped'i satın aldığınız zaman otomatik olarak gelecek olan değerler
            hungryRatio = 10, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            thirstRatio = 20, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            energyRatio = 50, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.
            healthRatio = 98, --% When you buy the pet, it will directly indicate the health hunger value of the pet.

            hungryDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Hunger level 40, "the number you specify" in the specified time interval - 40
            thirstDecrase = 1, -- When the pet is updated it will go " -1 ", example => Thirst level 20, At the set time interval "the number you specify" - 20

            petName = "Catty",
            petLabel = "Domestic cat, small, usually hairy, domesticated, carnivorous mammal. Usually kept as pets, they are called house cats, or simply cats if it is not necessary to distinguish them from other felines and small cats. People value the companionship of cats and their ability to hunt vermin and household pests.",
            petIMG = "",
            pedHash = "a_c_cat_01",
            petTexureID = 0, -- Pet TexureID > decides what color your pet will be so that it doesn't change color all the time or can have different colors.s
            petGender = "M",
            petBoughtAnim = true, -- With or without a purchase animation?
            petLevel = 10,
            listOf = "cat", -- which list to be on
    Orders = { -- In this section you can edit the orders that come directly to the pet, you can add different commands if you want.

        -- DOG
            label = "FOLLOW",
            listOf = "dog", -- if he's a dog, his action
            args = "lab-pet:client:followOwner", -- In the 1st list of arguments that come with the content of the pet system, there is "Animal Type", i.e. cat or dog, and the 2nd argument is the networkID of the animal, so the first two functions will be filled with whatever you type here.
            level = 0, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "SIT",
            listOf = "dog", -- if he's a dog, his action
            args = "lab-pet:client:sit",
            level = 15, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "GET UP",
            listOf = "dog", -- if he's a dog, his action
            args = "lab-pet:client:getup",
            level = 15, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "SLEEP",
            listOf = "dog", -- if he's a dog, his action
            args = "lab-pet:client:sleep",
            level = 15, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "ATTACK",
            listOf = "dog", -- if he's a dog, his action
            args = "lab-pet:client:attack",
            level = 15, -- at what level it can be applied

            label = "FOLLOW",
            listOf = "cat", -- eğer ki kedi ise yapacağı eylem
            args = "lab-pet:client:followOwner",
            level = 0, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "SIT",
            listOf = "cat", -- eğer ki kedi ise yapacağı eylem
            args = "lab-pet:client:sit",
            level = 15, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "GET UP",
            listOf = "cat", -- eğer ki kedi ise yapacağı eylem
            args = "lab-pet:client:getup",
            level = 15, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "GET INTO CAR",
            listOf = "dog", -- eğer ki kedi ise yapacağı eylem
            args = "lab-pet:client:getIntoCar",
            level = 0, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "GET OFF THE CAR",
            listOf = "dog", -- eğer ki kedi ise yapacağı eylem
            args = "lab-pet:client:getOutCar",
            level = 0, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "GET INTO CAR",
            listOf = "cat", -- eğer ki kedi ise yapacağı eylem
            args = "lab-pet:client:getIntoCar",
            level = 0, -- at what level it can be applied
            label = "GET OFF THE CAR",
            listOf = "cat", -- eğer ki kedi ise yapacağı eylem
            args = "lab-pet:client:getOutCar",
            level = 0, -- at what level it can be applied
    OrderAnim = {
        ["dog"] = {
            ["sex"] = {
                animName = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@",
                animID = "hump_loop_chop" 
            ["sit"] = {
                animName = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@world_dog_sitting@idle_a",
                animID = "idle_b" 
            ["bark"] = {
                animName = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@world_dog_barking@idle_a",
                animID = "idle_a" 
            ["sleep"] = {
                animName = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@sleep_in_kennel@",
                animID = "sleep_in_kennel" 
            ["getup"] = {
                animName = "creatures@rottweiler@amb@world_dog_sitting@exit",
                animID = "exit"
        ["cat"] = {
            ["sleep"] = {
                animName = "creatures@cat@amb@world_cat_sleeping_ground@base",
                animID = "base" 
            ["getup"] = {
                animName = "creatures@cat@getup",
                animID = "getup_l" 
            ["sit"] = {
                animName = "creatures@cat@amb@world_cat_sleeping_ledge@base",
                animID = "base" 
        -- ["bird"] = {
        --     {
        --         animName = "creatures@chickenhawk@amb@world_chickenhawk_feeding@base",
        --         animID = "base" 
        --     }, 
        --     {
        --         animName = "creatures@cormorant@amb@world_cormorant_standing@base",
        --         animID = "base" 
        --     },   
        -- }
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Como instalar

Como instalar recursos

Instalar mods no FiveM permite que você personalize seu servidor com ativos exclusivos, scripts, MLOs e outros aprimoramentos. Aqui está um guia claro e detalhado sobre como instalar mods no seu servidor FiveM.

Etapa 1: Baixe o Mod desejado

  1. Encontre um Mod: Comece navegando pelos sites que oferecem mods FiveM, como fivem-mods.net, GTA5-Mods.com, ou fóruns baseados na comunidade e servidores Discord. Você também pode baixar mods de repositórios como GitHub ou de sites pessoais de desenvolvedores de scripts.

  2. Verificar compatibilidade: Certifique-se de que o mod que você está baixando é compatível com a versão do FiveM que você está executando (especialmente se você estiver usando frameworks específicos como QBCore ou ESX).

  3. Baixar arquivos: Baixe os arquivos mod, geralmente compactados em um .zip ou .rar formato de arquivo. Esses arquivos conterão os recursos necessários para a instalação.

Etapa 2: Prepare seu servidor

  1. Acesse os arquivos do seu servidor: Entre no gerenciador de arquivos do seu servidor FiveM. Isso pode ser feito por meio de um cliente FTP como o FileZilla ou pelo painel de controle fornecido pelo seu provedor de hospedagem.

  2. Criar um backup: Antes de fazer qualquer alteração, é essencial fazer backup dos arquivos do seu servidor. Isso garante que você possa restaurar seu servidor caso algo dê errado.

  3. Localize a pasta de recursos: Uma vez dentro dos arquivos do seu servidor, localize o recursos pasta. É aqui que todos os mods e scripts são instalados.

Etapa 3: Instale o Mod

  1. Extrair os arquivos: Se o mod estiver em um arquivo compactado, extraia o conteúdo para uma pasta no seu computador local.

  2. Carregar os arquivos do mod:

    • Use seu cliente FTP ou gerenciador de arquivos para carregar a pasta extraída no recursos pasta do seu servidor.
    • Certifique-se de que o nome da pasta seja descritivo, pois você fará referência a ela na configuração do servidor.
  3. Configurar o servidor para carregar o mod:

    • Abra o seu servidor servidor.cfg arquivo (encontrado no diretório principal do seu servidor).
    • Adicione uma linha para garantir que o servidor carregue o mod. Normalmente, isso estará no formato de:
      garantir [nome_mod]
    • Por exemplo, se você adicionou um mod chamado meu_carro_mod, você acrescentaria:
      garantir meu_carro_mod

Etapa 4: Configurar dependências (se houver)

Alguns mods podem ter dependências, como bibliotecas, frameworks ou recursos específicos que precisam ser instalados separadamente. Sempre verifique a documentação do mod para quaisquer requisitos desse tipo.

  1. Instalar dependências:Se o mod exigir recursos adicionais, baixe e instale-os no mesmo recursos pasta, seguindo o mesmo processo descrito na Etapa 3.

  2. Carregar dependências: Adicione quaisquer dependências necessárias ao seu servidor.cfg arquivo exatamente como você fez para o mod principal.

Etapa 5: Reinicie o servidor

  1. Reinicie o servidor: Depois que o mod e suas dependências forem carregados e configurados, reinicie seu servidor.
    • Você pode usar o Reiniciar no seu painel de controle ou reinicie-o manualmente por meio de um cliente FTP ou comando de terminal.
  2. Verifique o console: Após a reinicialização, monitore o console do servidor para quaisquer mensagens de erro. Se você vir quaisquer problemas relacionados ao mod, verifique a documentação do mod ou solucione problemas com base na mensagem de erro.

Etapa 6: Teste o Mod no Jogo

  1. Junte-se ao seu servidor: Abra o FiveM e conecte-se ao seu servidor para testar o mod.

  2. Verificar se há problemas: Teste se o mod funciona como esperado. Certifique-se de que os novos recursos, veículos ou scripts estejam carregando corretamente.

Etapa 7: Solucionar problemas (se necessário)

Se o mod não estiver funcionando como esperado, talvez seja necessário solucionar o problema:

  • Verifique os caminhos dos arquivos: Certifique-se de que todos os arquivos estejam nas pastas e caminhos corretos.
  • Registros de revisão: Verifique os logs do servidor para verificar se há erros ou conflitos.
  • Atualizar Dependências: Certifique-se de que todas as dependências necessárias estejam instaladas corretamente e atualizadas.
  • Compatibilidade com Mods: Verifique se o mod é compatível com a versão do FiveM e outros mods que você está usando.

Considerações finais

Instalar mods no seu servidor FiveM é uma ótima maneira de melhorar a jogabilidade, oferecer conteúdo exclusivo aos jogadores e fazer seu servidor se destacar. Lembre-se sempre de fazer backup do seu servidor antes de fazer qualquer alteração e esteja atento à compatibilidade de mods para evitar conflitos.

Seguindo os passos descritos acima, você pode facilmente instalar e gerenciar mods para enriquecer sua experiência no servidor FiveM.

Mods que estenderão o Roleplay

  • Garantia de devolução de dinheiro:Se você não estiver satisfeito, oferecemos uma política de reembolso sem perguntas.
  • Conteúdo exclusivo: Nossos mods e scripts são criados profissionalmente e exclusivos para nossa plataforma.
  • Confiável pela Comunidade: Junte-se a milhares de proprietários de servidores FiveM que confiam em nós para obter recursos de qualidade.
  • Design de alta qualidade: Construído com práticas de codificação otimizadas para desempenho de alto nível.
  • Integração perfeita: Instale e execute facilmente em qualquer servidor FiveM sem problemas de compatibilidade.
  • Opções personalizáveis: Ajuste as configurações e os recursos para adaptá-los ao estilo exclusivo do seu servidor.
  • Desempenho otimizado: Testado para garantir uso mínimo de recursos e máxima eficiência.
  • Atualizações vitalícias: Fique por dentro com atualizações e melhorias contínuas incluídas sem custo extra.