Mods FiveM grátis, Scripts FiveM grátis


vehicle essentials jpg


  • Dynamic Traffic Management: Adjusts traffic and pedestrian density based on the number of players online.
  • Automatic Seatbelts: Automatically applies seatbelts when players enter a vehicle.
  • Manual Seatbelts: Toggle seatbelts manually with a customizable keybind.
  • Speed Limiter: Set global and zone-specific speed limits for better traffic control.
  • Realistic Vehicle Damage: Advanced damage system including engine explosions, wheel fall-offs, and tire punctures.
  • NPC Driving Style: Configure various driving behaviors for NPCs.
  • Disable Vehicle Weapons: Prevents vehicles from giving weapons to players.
  • Steal NPC Cars: Players can carjack NPC vehicles with the engine running.
  • Debug Mode: Enable detailed debug information for developers.


O roteiro is highly customizable via the config.lua file. Here are some key settings:

  • Dynamic Traffic Management
    • Config.DynamicTrafficManagement = true
    • Adjusts density based on player count.
  • Automatic Seatbelts
    • Config.AutoSeatbeltOnEntry = true
  • Manual Seatbelts
    • Config.SeatbeltKey = 303 (Default: U key)
  • Speed Limiter
    • Config.SpeedLimiterEnabled = true
    • Global and zone-specific speed limits.
  • Traffic, Pedestrians, and Parked Vehicles
    • Config.TrafficAmount, Config.PedestrianAmount, Config.ParkedAmount
  • Enable/Disable Services
    • Config.EnableDispatch, Config.EnableBoats, Config.EnableTrains, Config.EnableGarbageTrucks
  • Disable Vehicle Weapons
    • Config.DisableVehicleWeapons = true
  • NPC Driving Style
    • Config.MentalState.DrivingStyle
  • Realistic Vehicle Damage
    • Config.DamageSystem.enabled = true
    • Various damage configurations.

Driving Style Options​

  • 786603: Normal driving (default behavior)
  • 1074528293: Normal driving but avoiding obstacles more aggressively
  • 2883621: Fast and aggressive driving
  • 6: Very cautious driving
  • 1076: Sometimes stop before junctions, drive normally otherwise
  • 7: Ignore all traffic lights and drive normally
  • 16777216: Follow traffic laws strictly
  • 536871299: Very careful, stops a lot
  • 536871044: Reverse with care
  • 536871045: Reverse very carefully
  • 536870912: Very slow driving, usually used for non-road vehicles
  • 536871356: Use paths only (no roads)
  • 16777215: A combination of cautious and aggressive

Sobre Luke

Eu sou Luke, sou um gamer e adoro escrever sobre FiveM, GTA e roleplay. Eu administro uma comunidade de roleplay e tenho cerca de 10 anos de experiência em administração de servidores.

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