Mods FiveM gratuits, Scripts FiveM gratuits

Bloc-notes Krs

Bloc-notes Krs jpeg

Are you looking for a way to enhance your gaming experience with a handy notepad feature? The Krs Notepad mod is a great addition that allows you to create, save, and manage notes directly in your game. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to install and use the Krs Notepad mod.

What is Krs Notepad?

Krs Notepad is a lightweight scripting mod that gives players the ability to jot down in-game notes. The mod is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to incorporate note-taking into their gameplay. With no subscriptions required and a compact codebase, this mod is accessible for everyone.

Caractéristiques principales

  • Notepad Tool: Easily create and manage notes in-game.
  • Léger: Minimal impact on your game environment, consuming very little in-game resources.
  • Compatibilité: Works with frameworks such as ox_lib, ox_inventory, and esx.

How to Install Krs Notepad

  1. Télécharger le mod: Begin by downloading the Krs Notepad mod from its official page. Make sure to check for the latest version to ensure optimal performance.
  2. Extraire les fichiers: Once downloaded, locate the ZIP file and extract its contents to a convenient location on your computer.
  3. Ajoutez à votre serveur:
    • Navigate to the server directory where your game files are stored.
    • Créez un dossier nommé krs_notepad within your resources directory (usually located under ressources).
    • Move the extracted files from the Krs Notepad download into the krs_notepad dossier.
  4. Mettre à jour la configuration de votre serveur:
    • Ouvrir le serveur.cfg file located in your server directory.
    • Ajouter la ligne start krs_notepad to the end of the file. This will ensure that the mod is loaded whenever you start your server.
  5. Check Requirements: Ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed. This mod requires the following:
    • ox_lib
    • ox_inventaire
    • esx
  6. Launch Your Server: Start your server and check for any errors in the console. If everything is set up correctly, the Krs Notepad mod should be active.

Using Krs Notepad

Once you have the mod installed and your server running, you can start using the notepad feature right away. Simply access the notepad through your in-game menu, and you’ll be able to create, edit, and save your notes as needed.

Krs Notepad makes it easier to keep track of important information while playing, whether you’re jotting down strategies, reminders, or any other notes that help enhance your gameplay.

Support and Community

Should you encounter any issues or need assistance, soutien is available. You can engage with the community for tips, modifications, or ideas for further enhancement.

Now you’re ready to enhance your game with the Krs Notepad mod. Enjoy your newfound ability to keep notes on the go!


À propos de Luke

Je m'appelle Luke, je suis un joueur et j'adore écrire sur FiveM, GTA et le jeu de rôle. Je dirige une communauté de jeu de rôle et j'ai environ 10 ans d'expérience dans l'administration de serveurs.

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