Scripts FiveM gratuits, Mods FiveM gratuits

Points d'aide Fivem

Aide FivemWaypoints jpeg

Enhance your FiveM experience with this simple and effective script designed to create helpful markers on the map. With these markers, you can improve your gameplay, find important locations easily, and enjoy a visually appealing environment while exploring the game.

The script provides a straightforward way to set destination markers using coordinates, making navigation more efficient. This is perfect if you want to guide players, highlight areas of interest, or simply make your game more enjoyable.


To begin using the script, you can download it from the following link:

Download the FiveM Help Waypoints Script

Example Code

Below is a sample code snippet you can incorporate into your server to create custom markers:

local coords = vec3(2281.5424804688, 4813.0190429688, 55.574935913086 - 1.0)

while true do 
    local playercoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
    local dist = #(coords - playercoords)
    local metry = math.ceil(dist * 1)
    exports['shinyx-HelpWaypoints']:DrawDestination(coords, "Example", metry)

Why Use This Script?

This script not only simplifies navigation but also contributes to better gameplay immersion. By adding markers, you can plan your missions more strategically and ensure that players can easily find their way around the map. It’s perfect for both experienced players and newcomers alike!

Download the script today and start enhancing your FiveM gameplay with easy-to-use and visually appealing map markers!


À propos de Luke

Je m'appelle Luke, je suis un joueur et j'adore écrire sur FiveM, GTA et le jeu de rôle. Je dirige une communauté de jeu de rôle et j'ai environ 10 ans d'expérience dans l'administration de serveurs.

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