Scripts FiveM grátis, Mods FiveM grátis

Roubo de munição (inspirado no NP4)

roubo nopixel

Dive into the thrilling world of FiveM roleplay with our NoPixel V4 inspired Ammunation Robbery Heist mod! This free QBCore script lets your server members experience the high-stakes, heart-pounding action of a professional heist. With top-notch optimization, interactive gameplay, and an easy drag-and-drop installation process, this mod is a must-have for any serious FiveM server owner!


Check out the action-packed preview below


Our Ammunation Robbery Heist mod is designed to mimic the NoPixel V4 experience, integrating seamlessly with the QBCore framework. The heist includes both interaction and a minijogo, providing an immersive experience for your players. The mod is optimized to run at 0.00-0.01ms, ensuring smooth performance even on busy servers.

Características únicas:

  • Highly optimized with minimal performance impact.
  • Includes an interactive minigame for a realistic heist experience.
  • Simple drag-and-drop installation, making it easy for server admins to implement.

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Instruções de instalação

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting the mod up and running:

  1. Baixe o Mod
  2. Extrair os arquivos: Use any file extraction tool to unpack the downloaded files.
  3. Drag and Drop: Move the extracted files into your FiveM server’s recursos pasta.
  4. Adicionar à configuração do servidor: Edit your servidor.cfg file to include the new resource:ensure jomidar-ammorobbery
  5. Dependências: Ensure you have the following dependencies installed:
  6. Reinicie seu servidor: Reinicie seu servidor FiveM para aplicar as alterações.

Compatibilidade: This mod is compatible with servers running the QBCore framework.

Suporte e atualizações: For support and updates, you can visit the GitHub page or follow the discussion on the official forums.

Explore more amazing FiveM mods on our Free Mods page. For MLO and Scripts, check these links Free MLO and Free Scripts.

Enhance your FiveM server today with this action-packed heist mod and keep your community engaged and entertained!


Sobre Luke

Eu sou Luke, sou um gamer e adoro escrever sobre FiveM, GTA e roleplay. Eu administro uma comunidade de roleplay e tenho cerca de 10 anos de experiência em administração de servidores.

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